"I'm proud that I see such a good team around me.
I wish I were younger so I could take advantage o it more year"
Information-Driven Farming
1) What is exiting today is watching technology impact the equipment business develop"
2) So. there is just a tremendous new game being built on information that's going to emerge
3) All CEO who are successful are all impassioned about what they do and what tehy belief in.
4) With passion you need to have a vision, and you have got to know where you are going
5) One of the CEO's roles is to create new paradigms and present new challenges to the entreprise it order to keep it energized and moving toward the vision.
6) I don't think there is a successful CEO who doesn't know where he or she is trying to lead the entreprise and who isn't trying to motivate the company to endorse the vision.
7) The common vision is genuine value, and the strategy that results is Business Process Excellence
8) Genuine value capture the essence of what we are trying to do in serving our constituents
9) BPE is our approach to moving Deere from a functional organization to a process-driven one.
10) Great leader have in common beeing very open to change, because the biggest difference beeing a CEO today and one a generation or so back is the speed of change.
11) You need a mind-set where you are comfortable with this new kinf of an environment.
12) Embracing change is the price of entry of todays's CEOs
13) An attitude of inclusion. One can never lose the capacity for indignation on the issue of diversity.
14) We schould be indignant if we arn´t able to embrace diversity
15) I think the hardest think going forward is that there will be a lot less loyalty to companies and more turnover of people.
16) I wonder how you can convey your values, passions and beliefs, if you have high turnover.
17) I host chairman coffee with randomly selected employees, and I sit there for an hour or so speaking with them in a open dialog
18) When people leave the response is, "Yes, you're right. I can help. It's my job".
19) Care about customers - Provide genuine value - Sustain lasting values - Be global - Embrace change and be passionate about what you do - It's a formula that has served Deere well.