Chambers, John - Cisco Systems

"We have no religion when it comes to technology.
If the customers say this is what their are going to do
regardless to our engineering view on it,
that's what we're going to help them do"

On pleasing shareholders:

1) When people write about how our stock is up, they give us way too much credit for what we did this year. It's what we did three and five years ago that moved the stock. It's about how we handled the downturn, and how we got ready for the future. It's how we play those market transitions - and not just during the year that these things became obvious to everyone, because by then it's too late. So yes, EPS and stock price are absolutely the score of the game, but business isn't about the score of the game you played in the last quarter or the last year. It's probably about decisions you made three or five years ago, and how well you were able to adjust your course.

We measure everything

2) We measure everything, in all areas, in real rime. For example, by the end of the day I know what my orders have been by geography, by product type, and by margin.

3) Customer satisfaction is the most important measure to me.

4) "We measure customer satisfaction every way imaginable.

5) If you were to ask what I'm most proud of: they are the three things that have resulted in our success:

- First is our almost fanatical approach to customer.
- Second is the quality of the team weve built.
- Finally, I am proud that we have a set vision in place.

This Strategy Works Everywhere

6) The first thing I always say is that within reason, you can accomplish almost anything in life that you want to, as long as you're willing to work hard-and smart-to get it.

7) The second is deal with life the way it is, not the way you wish it was, and if you have hurdles thrown in front of you, learn how to get over them, rather than let them distract you.

8) Third, you really should treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself:

9) The last element? Have fun. Don t take life too seriously.