Helmbold, Charles - Bristol-Myers Squibb


"A great Business Leader has to b attuned with the time"

What Gets Measured Gets Done

1) I ask a lot of questions. If you ask somebody to do something, you need to follow up fairly quickly to see I whether it is done. You must let people know that you expect results in a given perIod of time.

2) If you are inspecting and measuring, people are going to pay attention. They are going to remember that you do look at the performance you told them you'd be measuring."

3) I'm sure you have heard the line that one of the CEO's biggest jobs is to keep the lions from eating one another. What you try to do is focus people's natural competitive energies on the out side world, instead of the inside.

The way you do that is twofold:

First, you make sure you have the right number and caliber of people in place. If you have too many people it is almost like too many lions going after one bone.

And the second way you do it is through accountability. It's not empowerment that is magic, it is accountability. Give people the responsibility and the resources to get something done. Let them understand that they will be held accountable for it, that you are expecting those resuIts, and that they are going to share in the success.

Then watch what happens."