Article 5
Requirement for authorization
1. Each Member State shall require that the performance of investment services or activities as a regular occupation or business on a professional basis be subject to prior authorization in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Such authorisation shall be granted by the home Member State competent authority designated in accordance with Article 48.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States shall allow any market operator to operate an MTF, subject to the prior verification of their compliance with the provisions of this Chapter, excluding Articles 11 and 15.
3. Member States shall establish a register of all investment firms. This register shall be publicly accessible and shall contain information on the services and/or activities for which the investment firm is authorised. It shall be updated on a regular basis.
4. Each Member State shall require that:
— any investment firm which is a legal person have its head office in the same Member State as its registered office,
— any investment firm which is not a legal person or any investment firm which is a legal person but under its national law has no registered office have its head office
in the Member State in which it actually carries on its business.
5. In the case of investment firms which provide only investment advice or the service of reception and transmission of orders under the conditions established in Article 3, Member States may allow the competent authority to delegate administrative, preparatory or ancillary tasks related to the granting of an authorisation, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 48(2).