"The PC and Internet will become as fundamental as the automobile today"
Here and now
1) One of the biggest advances over the next few years will be the extension of the PC model to new intelligent devices of all sizes.
2) Early cars were bought by enthusiasts, just like PCs.
3) Early cars had some terrible limitations, and I look back and laugh at the idea now that you had to get out and manually crank the car to get it going.
4) I don't know if the boot process in a PC is worse or not, but it's pretty archaic.
5) One of my favorite books on business is the one Alfred Sloan wrote [My Years with GeneralMotors]. He's the person who took General Motors and led it to significant success. Sloan really invented a lot of model and led it to significant success. Sloan really invented a lot of modeo1 management techniques.
6) One of the interesting things he believed, which 1 think draws a very strong parallel to the PC industry, was the need for integration.
The World Will Never Be the Same
7) I mean, once something like this happens, your whole mind-set changes, and you can't even really go back and COlnpare, partil"ularly when the: change has happened over several generations, because everything is so much different.
8) In the case of the PC, the groWth-and acceptance-has been far more rapid.
9) People are going to want to keep information of all types.
10) I'm really a big believer in research and the payback that it can hring.
11) Really, I think the whole industry gaIns when companies invest in research. And I would like to see otheJ software companies do more in this area.
12) It's important to have a long time horizon, when it comes to research.
13) I have the most fun job in the world, and love coming to work each day because there are always new challenges, new opportunities, and new· things to learn. If you enjoy your job this much, you will never burn out.