actus reus - a guilty act
ad idem - towards the same
ad litem - for the suit
ad referendum - to be further considered
animus - intention
annus et dies - a year and a day
a posteriori - from the later
a priori - from the previous
a vinculo matrimonii - from the bond of marriage
bona vacantia - empty goods
capias - that you take
casus belli - occasion for war
casus omissus - an omitted case
causa causans - the effective cause
caveat - let him beware
caveat actor - let the doer be on his guard
caveat emptor - let the buyer beware
caveat subscriptor - let the person signing
caveat venditor - let the seller be on his guard
certiorari - to be informed
certum est quod certum reddi potest - sth. capable of being made certain - should be treated as certain
contra bonos mores - against good morals
cur. adv. vult (c.a.v.) - curia advisari vult, the court wishes to consider the matter
de bene esse - of well-being
de bonis asportatis - of goods carried away
de facto - in fact
de jure - as a matter of legal right
delegatus non potest delegare - a person to whom something has been
de lege ferenda - of (or concerning) the law that is to come into ferce
de lege lata - of (or concerning) the law that is in force
de minimis non curat lex - the law does not take account of trifles
devastavit - he has wasted
dictum - a saying
doli capax - capable of wrong
dubitante - doubting
dum casta vixerit - as long as she lives chastely
dum sola - while single
duplex querela - double complaint
durante absentia - during the absence
ejusdem generis - of the same kind
erga omnes obligations - towards all
ex aequo et bono - as a result of fair dealing and good conscience
ex debito justitiae - as a matter of right
ex gratia - done as a matter of favour
ex nuda pacto non oritur actio - see consideration
ex officio - by virtue of holding an office
ex parte - on the part of one side only
ex post facto - by a subsequent act
expressio unius est exclusio alterius - the express mention of one thing excludes all others
ex proprio motu - of his own motion
ex turpi causa non oritur actio - no action can be based on a disreputable cause
factum - a fact
a factum probans - a fact offered in evidence as proof
factum probandum - a fact that needs to be proved
fieri fecias (fi. fa.) - I have caused to be done
flagrante delicto - in the commission of an offence
forum non conveniens - not in agreement with the judicial forum
forum prorogatum - prorogated jurisdiction
forum rei - forum of the thing
habeas corpus - have your body
Ignorantia juris non excusat - ignorance of the law is no excuse
in camera - in the chamber
in limine - preliminary
In loco parentis - in place of a parent
in personam - against the person
in re - in the matter of
in rem - against the thing
in terrorem - intimidating
intra vires - within the powers
jure gestionis - describing commercial transactions by bodies that are owned by the state but not regarded as organs of the state
jure imperii - describing transactions by state bodies or representatives
juris et de jure - of law and from law
jus - a law or right
jus accrescendi - the right of the survivor
jus accrescendi inter mercatores pro beneficio commercii
locum non habet - for the advancement of commerce there is no place for the right of survivorship between merchants
jus civile - civil law
jus cogens - coercive law
jus gentium - the law of peoples
jus in re aliena - a right in the property of another
jus naturale - natural law
jus sanguinis - law relating to blood
jus soli - law relating to the soil
jus tertii - right of a third party
lex causae - the law of the case
lex domicilii - the law of domicile
lex fori - the law of the forum
lex loci actus - the law of the place where a legal act takes place
lex loci celebrationis - the law of the place of celebration of a marriage
lex loci contractus - the law of the place where a contract was made
lex loci delicti commissi - the law of the place in which a delict (tort) is committed
lex loci situs - the law of the place where an object is situated
lex loci solutionis - the law of the place where a contract is to be performed or a debt is to be paid
lis alibi pendens - a suit pending elsewhere
lis mota - a court action that has been set in motion
lis pendens - a pending action
locus sigilli - place of the seal
locus standi - a place to stand
mansuetae naturae - harmless by nature
mensa et thoro - from board and bed
mens rea - a guilty mind
nisi - not final or absolute
nolle prosequi - to be unwilling to prosecute
non est factum - from non est factum suum, Latin /it is not his deed
nova causa interveniens - a new intervening cause
novus actus interveniens - a new intervening act (or cause)
nudum pactum - naked agreement
nulla poena sine lege - no punishment without a law
nullum crimen sine lege - no crime without a law
nunc pro tunc - now instead of then
obiter dictum - a remark in passing omnia praesumuntur rite et solemn iter esse acta
opinio juris - from opinio juris sive necessitatis (whether the opinion of law is compulsory)
pacta sunt servanda - agreements are to be kept
pacta teiis nee nocent nee prosunt - Treaties do not create either obligations or right for third states without their consent
per capita - by heads
per incuriam - through lack of care
per quod consortium amisif - by which he lost the benefit of her society
plene administravit - he has fully administered
praecipe - command
praesumuntur rite et solemn iter esse acta - the things are presumed to have been done correctly and solemnly
quantum meruit - see quasi-contract
quantum valebat - as much as it was worth
quia emptores - whereas purchasers (the first words of the preamble)
quia timet - because he fears
quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit - whatever is affixed to the soil belongs to the soil
ratio decidendi - the reason for deciding
respondeat superior - let the principal answer
respondentia - respondence
restitutio in integrum - restoration to the original position
sine die - without a date
spes successionis - hope of succeeding
stare decisis - to stand by things decided
sub judice - under judgement
sui generis - of its own kind
sui juris - of his own right
supra protest - for honour
trespass ab initio - trespass from the beginning
turpis causa - a disreputed
uberrimae fide - of the utmost good faith
vacantia bona - empty goods
venire de novo - to come anew
vi et armis - by force and arms
vinculo matrimonii - from the bond of marriage
volenti non fit injuria - no wrong is done to one who consents