Juridical Latin Terms US


ab inition - from the first act
absentia - in absentia) [absence
absque hoc - but for this
a coelo usque a centrum - from the heavens all the way to the centrum of the earth
ex delitu - which arises out of fault
actus reus - the guilty act
ad damnum - the amount od damages demanded
additur - it is increased
ad hoc - for this
ad litem - for the law suit
ad testificandum - for testifying
ad valorem - according to value
aliquot - an even part of the whole
ali test - insanity
alter ego - the other self
a mens et thoro - from board and bed
animo - purposefully
arguendo - to put in clear light
bon fide - in good faith
capita - head
caveat emptor - let the buyer beware
coram nobis - before us
corpus - the body
corpus delicti - the body of the crime
corpus juris - the body of the law
crimen falsi - a crime of deceit
culpa - the faut
damnum abse injuria - harm without injury
de bene esse - conditionnally
de bonis non administratis - of goods not administered
de facto - in fact
de jure - by right
delictum - for tort
de minimis - insignificant
de novo - new
dictum - a statement
donation - a gift
eo die
- on the same day
eo instanti - immediately
ergo - hence
et non - and not
et seq. - and the following
et ux - and wife
ez aequo et bono - from equity and conscience
ex contratu - arizing out of contract
ex delito - arizing out of wrongs
ex gracia - out of favor
ex officio - out the office
ex parte - in behalf of
ex post facto - after the fact
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius - The express mention of one thing excludes all others
exclusio alterius
- the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
ex rel - upon relation
extremis (in) - in the furthest reaches
ex turpi causa non oritur actio - no disgraceful matter can be the basis of an action
facinus quo inquinat equat - villainy and guilt make all those it contaminates equal in character
facta sunt potentiori verbis - the facts are more powerful than words
facto - fact
factum - deed
famosus libellus - a libelous letter
ferae naturae - wild beast of nature
fiat justitia - let the justice be done
fieri facias - that you cause to be made
fructus industriales - the produce of land resulting of human labor, such as crops
fructus naturales - the produce of land which grows naturally
habeas corpus - you have the body
haec verba - these words
ibid. - in the same place
ignorantia legis non excusat - ignorance of the law is no excuse
in absentia - in absence
in articulo mortis - at the point of death
in capite - in chief
in camera - in chambers
in delicto - in fault
inditia - indications
indicum - indication
in esse - in existence
in extremis - in extremity
in forma pauperis - in the manner of a pauper
infra - below
in futuro - in the future
in genere - in kind
in haec verba - let these words
in hoc - respecting this
in invitum - against the will of the other party
injuria absque damno - wrong without damage
unjuria non excusat injuriam - on wrong does not justify another
n limine - at the beginning of the treshold
in loco parentis - in the place of a parent
in omnibus - in all things
in pari delicto - in equal fault
in pari materia - on like subject matter
in perpetuity - to exist forever
in personam - into or against the person
in posse - in the futur, that which is not yet but which may exist
in praesenti - in the present
in quantum meruit - As much as is deserved
in re - in the matter of
in rem - signifies against the tings
in specie - in kind
in statu quo - in the existing situation
inter alia - amomg other things
inter pares - among peers
inter partes - between the parties
in terrorem - in fear
inter se - among or between themselves
inter vivos - between the livings
in toto - in entirety
in vacuo - in space
ipso dixit - nothing else to say
ipso facto - by the fact itself
ipso jure - by operation of law
jurat - the clause appearing at the end of an affidavit reciting the date
jure uxoris - right of the wife
juris - of law
juris ignorantia est cum nostrum ignoramus - it is ignorance of the law when we are un failiar with our own rights
jus accrescendi - right of survivorship
jus terti - the right of a third
locus - the place
locus sigilli - the place of the seal
mala in se - wrong or evil in itself
malum in se - wrong or evil in itself
malum prohibitum - wrong besause it is prohibited
mandamus - we command
mortis causa - on the occasion of death
ne exeat - do not leave
nemo est supra legis - nobody is above the law
nihil - nothing
nisi - unless
nolens volens - whether willing or un willing
nolle prosequi - unwilling to prosecute
nolo contendere - I do not wish to contend
nol pros nolle prosequi - drop prosecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records
non compos mentis - not having control over the mind or the intellect
non obstante veredicto - nowithstanding the verdict
non prosequitur - he has not proceeded
non sequitur - it does not follow
non sui juris - not by his own authority or legal right
non vult (contendere) - he will not contest
noscitur a sociis - it is known by its associates
nota bene - note well
nudum pactum - a bare contract or agreement that amount to merely a naked promise
nunc pro tunc - nor for then
obiter dicta - passing or incidental statements
omnibus - for all, for everyone
pactum - pact
parens patriae - parent of his country
pari delicto (in -) - in equal fault
pari materia (in -) - Upon the same matter or subject
par annum - through the course of a year
per capita - by head
per curiam - by the court
per diem - through the course of a day
per infortunium - by accident
per quod - through which
per se - through itself
personam (in -) - directed toward a particular person
posse (in -) - not in actual existence (<> in esse)
posse comitatus - to be able to be an attendant
post fact (ex -) - after the fact
post hoc ergo propter hoc - therefore because of this
post mortem - after death
praecipe - order
praesenti (in -) - in the presence
prima facie - at first view
pro hac vice - for this turn
pro rata - according to the rate
pro se - for himself
pro tanto - to such extent
pro tempore - for the time being
quaere - query
quantum meruit - as much as he deserved
quantum valebant - as much as they were worth
quare clausum fregit - wherefore he broke the clause
quasi as - it were
quia timet - because he fears
quid pro quo - what for what
qui tam - who as well
quo warranto - by what right or authority
ratio decidendi - the principle which the case establishes
ratio legis - the underlying principle
reductio ad absurdum - to reduce to the absurd
res judicata - a matter [already] judged
res gestae - things done
res ipsa loquitur - the things speak for its elf
res judicata - the thing has been decided
respondeat superior - let the superior reply
seriatim - in due order
sine die - without day
sine qua non - without which not
status quo - the postures or positions which existed
sua sponte - of itself or of one's self, without being prompted
sub judice - under a court
sub modo - under a qualification
sub nomine - under the name
subpoena - a writ issued under authority of a court
sub silentio - under silence
sui generis - of its own kind
suo nomine - in his own name
supra - above
toto (in -) - in entirety
ultra vires - beyond
uxor - spouse
vis major - a greater force
volenti non fit injuria - the volunteer suffers no wrong
